Monday, August 12, 2013

Teacher Week '13

Well, let's see if I can mess this up! I am going to try to participate and add my thoughts to Teacher Week '13.  No idea what I am doing here, but here goes...

Meet Me!

Photo from Nacre Dance Company website

    I've been teaching kindergarten for over 10 ten years in a Catholic School.  I taught 3rd grade for a couple of years before being switched to kindergarten.  I always thought I wanted to teach K, but when the switch was made, I knew I was where I belonged.  I love teaching these little ones and being their teacher when they learn so much.  Let's face it, those kids that come in on the first day grow so much by the time they graduate.  So many milestones and so much fun along the way.

         Now with the Common Core Standards, things in kindergarten have changed.  Since I started implementing these standards, I realized that my students could handle more of a challenge and higher expectations.  However, I am not ready to let go of the fun that needs to be in kindergarten.  There is no reason that meeting these standards means you have to cut out the fun.  Not in my classroom!  We work on reading, writing, math, religion... ok too many things to list, each day, but you'll still see craft projects, block play, and time at the kitchen center.  And let's not forget that all important part of the day, RECESS!!! 

         Outside of the classroom, as you can see, I am a dancer who thought she had retired only to join a modern dance company last year.  I am continuing to dance this year.  It makes me exhausted in a good way! I've danced since I was about 5 years old and majored in dance in college.  Coming back to it after a few years, I realized how much I loved and missed it.  I'm so glad I found it again.  It really helps to have something to focus on outside of teaching.

         Well that's me...oh and one more thing


  1. I love dancing too! And yes, Kinder should be FUN :)

    1. It's so nice to be dancing again. I needed something that was just mine away from the classroom.
