Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Teacher Week '13- Now Teach!

I like to think of myself as pretty organized.  Everything has it's place.  After teaching for over 10 years, I have learned what works best for me.  I am blessed to be in a classroom that has great closets.  After moving classrooms this year, I discovered that the closets in my new room are at least a foot wider.  Woohoo!!!

This is my arts and craft closet.  I also store my Reading teaching manuals and listening center CDs.

This closet has math manipulatives, readers from our series, my math manuals, and various other teaching tools.

As you can see, I have a lot of stuff.  That is what happens when your mom worked at a Teacher Store for years.  It's crazy that I use it all- not every year, but often enough.

I didn't take pictures of where I keep student supplies.  I have closed containers of crayons, markers, pencils, glue sticks, and scissors.  I keep them in one of those wheeling carts.  This way when we do a project that needs them, we just grab the container and bring it to a table.  The children have their own crayon boxes with crayons, pencil, and glue stick in their chair pockets.  I purchased my pockets from someone on ebay 5 years ago.  They are made of denim and I wash them every year and they still look great!  

In my area of my classroom is where I organize my handouts, workshop activities, and work station centers.  I use those awesome 10 drawer carts- one for each month.  In one cart I have workshop and work station centers and the other has my master copies for the month.  On the shelf, I keep my materials for the week in the Lakeshore Organizer.  One of my favorite purchases ever!

So that's how I try to stay organized.  I'm sure I'll get more ideas from the other posts.  Check them out at Blog Hoppin.


  1. I'm SUPER jealous that your mom worked at a teacher store, I can only imagine the possibilities. My first year teaching was art on a cart, I only did it for a year but I never forgot how a cart of supplies is a a nice way to keep thing organized. Karen

    1. It was great! Whenever the new stuff came in, she would pull out one for me and a 40% discount. I had it made, I admit it 😄

  2. Hi Teresa! I just found your blog. It is so cute. LOVE the name and the design. WOW- I can't imagine how awesome it must have been to have your mom work at a teacher store! I teach in Upstate NY too- I don't see many bloggers from here! ;) I'm your newest follower.
    I'd love you to stop over to my blog if you get a chance!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. I'm heading over to yours right now! I'm very new to this. I won't tell you how long it took me to design it- a little technology challenged, but I'm slowly figuring it out.
