This post is an easy one- What I love to teach? Well...everything kindergarten!
When I was moved from 3rd grade to kindergarten, I knew I had found my grade. I have always loved teaching the little ones. My student teaching placements were in 3rd and 4th grade and don't get me wrong, I enjoyed them, but I knew I was meant to be in kindergarten. And now I'm there!
Kindergarten children are so full of wonder and discovery- they want to learn it all! I view it as a pure gift that I am able to teach the very young in our school. Their first day wearing the school uniform is so cute- they look like the "big" kids!
Not only am I teaching my ideal grade, I'm doing it at the most wonderful school. Our small Catholic school is a very special place. We are more than just an elementary school, we are a family and I love that. Yes, it is difficult paying my bills some times, but I know I have it really good. I know that if I have an idea or a program I want to try, my principal will listen and most likely allow me to give a try.
For example, I love teaching math. With the Common Core standards having me focus on less topics, I love it even more. What I didn't love was using our outdated math series- I ended up sending home so many extra lessons last year because we didn't get to them nor did we need to. Well I asked if I could use something else next year. I looked on Teachers Pay Teachers and of course I go to the fabulous Deanna Jump and Deedee Wills first and low and behold...Guiding Kinders: Math Workshop.
Click on the picture to go to the first unit. I tried using their units last year when our old textbook didn't included some of the CC lessons. The kids loved the games and asked to play them during the day. It was exactly what I needed and when my principal saw it, she approved my using it this year in place of our old book.
Something else I love to teach is writing. I've always liked to write...just never found the time. Again, Deanna Jump and Deedee Wills are my saviors. Their Writer's Workshop Units are awesome. The progress I witnessed with my students last year was incredible. Usually writing is so difficult and tedious for this age, but the approach that these units use is so child-friendly, I didn't have one child groan when it was time to write. I frequently heard "I love writing time!" Click on the picture below to go to the first unit.
Finally, and this one shocks me, but I love to teach Science activities. I never had a love of science when I was in school. I took only as much science as I needed to graduate high school. I did not continue on when they told me it wasn't required. I was much happier taking advanced English classes or Social Studies. Anyway, so when I started integrating science activities in my lessons, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Some of my favorites:
Penguins- My favorite animal! Besides the fact that these birds are incredibly cute, they are fascinating creatures to learn about. I adopted a penguin (which I named after my favorite penguin from literature, Tacky!) and I get emails from him every month or so. I read them to the children and show them the pictures that get sent as well. The people that work with these penguins write the email from the point of view of our penguin and really do a great job explaining different stages of penguin life to kindergarten kids. I've adopted our penguin from this site for years. I highly recommend.
Another fun lesson is teaching the children about blubber with a blubber glove. Again thank you Deanna Jump. Her blubber glove experiment is so fun and the children really get an understanding of why blubber is so important to penguins.
I also love teaching the children about owls and what they eat. The owl pellet lesson is such a fun one, even for me. I am quite the girly girl- sparkle and tutus and tiaras, but even I get excited when the children find a skull in their owl pellet.
I could go on and on about other fun lessons, but I'm sure you want to get back to Bloghoppin and see the other awesome ideas!
I apologize that I don't have a Freebie to share, but I have no idea how to post one :)